Hi everyone,
In September we’ll finally start with our long awaited West Marches campaign called ….
Well, actually, we don’t know yet… But we do have a name for our world which will be revealed in due time.
We are hyped and we hope you are too!
Our 5 Dungeon Masters have spent the last weeks building the world and filling it with plenty of nooks and crannies for you to explore!
Interest in playing with us has been skyrocketing, so we’d like to know who will be joining this adventure that all of you will share together!
With 5 DMs, we can host 25 players per evening!
We will start with a session 0 on Wednesday September 13th. This evening, we will introduce you to our world, you can make your own character and create a backstory fitting the world.
You’re welcome to do it all by yourself, but our DMs will happily help.
On September 20th we’ll start our adventure together!
Every time you sign up, the first 25 players will have a seat on our tables.
For the remaining players, we’ll either have a guest DM or you’ll be placed on the waiting list.
Players will be placed at a table semi-randomly.
We encourage players to go with a different DM and play with different players each session, based on your character needs in our world.
A West Marches Campaign can mean a number of things. But almost always means that a larger number of players share one world. This opens up the possibility to jump in and out of the campaign as fits your schedule. Characters will not be punished for not attending, and will not be rewarded overtly for attending.
We all level up together, and the only difference in power will be equipment and items you find during the session, with (hopefully) excess stuff going to other players that can benefit from it.
- First 5 players per DM (usually 25) are guaranteed
- Level up together monthly
- Not grouping together is encouraged
- West Marches style with an overarching story