Signing on/off and table placement
- Signing on will open +/- 00:00 each Thursday
- Signing on will close +/- 00:00 each Tuesday
- We will randomize groups each month. We have an algorithm to create these groups.
- We will let you know which group (if any) you’re in on the first Wednesday evening during the board game night.
- If you’re part of a group and sign on, you will always be joining that group that month.
- If you’re not a part of a group and sign on, you will be placed at random.
- We will use the spots from players that are part of a group but haven’t signed on for those players.
- For new players who prefer to play with someone they already know, there is the option to play with a friend for a maximum of 3 consecutive sessions.
- Signing off is “free” until Monday before the sign-in closes.
- Signing off or not showing up will give you 1 or more strikes. Strikes will be used in our algorithm and might put on the waiting list or you will no longer be welcome at SpelSlot.
SpelSlot rules
- Critical hits and fumbles (as in natural 20s and natural 1s) will only be used on the attack roll. They don’t mean auto-success or auto-fail on ability checks, saving throws or other rolls.
- A critical hit will double the amount of dice that can be rolled
- Drinking or feeding a healing potion is a Bonus Action
- Drinking or feeding any other potion is an Action
- Regaining hit points by drinking a potion is always rolled, even if you’re out of combat.
- Halved damage will always be rounded down
- Death saves: The player decides who rolls and whether to reveal the result.
- Loot gained in sessions held by a DM not hosting a Kildar session can be requested to be transferred with Tim
- Flanking will be unavailable
- This rule might change if it is no longer an optional rule in the 2024 Dungeon Master Guide.
DM rules
- Resting
- Long rest will happen at the end of each month.
- Long rests might happen during the month; players can try to start one at the DM’s discretion.
- DM’s might inform you of the possibility of a long rest (or not)
- Short rests can be started by the players at the DM’s discretion.
- In the event that you join an ongoing session or multi-shot. The DM can decide that you start with already used spell slots or abilities. The DM will work with the player at the start of the sessions to determine this. This is for balancing purposes.
Item rules
- Loot will be given out by DM’s in sessions.
- Items are for sale during your stay in towns.
- There will be certain restrictions in the amount of items you can bring on your adventures.
- Body slots are mandatory for all players – find them here
- There will be a place to store extra items
- But we recommend sharing your extra items with others
- Crafting Rules: TBA
Character rules
Here we list the rules we’re using to create and level up your character
- You will create a character starting at level 3 in September.
- If you join the campaign at a later date. Please check which level you will need. And talk to a DM to see what items and gold you will start with.
- For your ability scores, you can use
- Point Buy (available to experienced players)
- Standard Array (15,14,13,12,10,8 to put in order you like) (mandatory for inexperienced players)
- Hit points
- You will get maximum hit points at level 1 as in the official rules.
- On each level up, you’ll add your average HP and add your CON(stitution) modifier.
- Only the 2024 Player Handbook by Wizards of the Coast will be allowed for character creation.
- Your starting money and items will be derived from your background & class.
- Picking the gold option and buying your own items is not allowed.
- Homebrew is generally not allowed for players
- A request for certain homebrew can be made to the DM’s
- Reskinning might be allowed on a case to case basis with DM approval
- Writing a backstory is recommended but not mandatory
- See the backstory document.
- We expect you to be able to show your DM how your character’s abilities and equipment work.
- Leveling up will be done at the end of each month. Each player, including new ones, will use the same level.
- Character death
- You’ll find out what happens when you die eventually.
- If at any time you don’t like any options of your character, or even your whole character. You can work with the DM’s to change your character, or make a new character.
- Character approval
- Each player joining the campaign must create their character on DnDBeyond.
- We will provide access in one of our campaigns so you can use the 2024 Player Handbook.
- Characters will be checked on a couple of points to check for possible mistakes or imbalance.
- We ask players to make a character that is fun for everyone, we ask you to refrain from potential “broken” builds that will possibly disbalance combat or roleplaying encounters.
- If your character is not approved we will work with you for changes needed to be made.
- Each player joining the campaign must create their character on DnDBeyond.
- Any changes from the above rules need to be discussed with a DM and be documented so it can be referenced later on who decided what.
Any questions regarding the campaign can be mailed to us at