Welcome to SpelSlot! Though being a member can be a lot of fun, there are also some rules to abide by. Make sure to read this document fully to understand what we do, what we are about, and what house rules we enforce.
What do we do? We organize Dungeons & Dragons and Board game nights with a welcoming and open feeling. The club is oriented towards young adults and older, though it tries to open itself up for people of all kinds of ages above 17. We try to make many of our activities free for all participants.
We host our activities primarily at the “FNV Vakbondshuis” in Nijmegen. Together with their help we try to work on a combined cause: to reduce the amount of young adults who might feel lost and alone in this modern society. We do this by organizing weekly activity nights at their facility.
Activities outside of SpelSlot
Activities may be hosted outside of the usual SpelSlot activities by you or your fellow SpelSlot members. Keep in mind that any of these activities are then also outside of SpelSlot scope: anything that applies to SpelSlot, SpelSlot membership or SpelSlot activities may not apply for those activities.